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How to Write a Book Review

The logistics

Amazon: Go to the product detail page for the item on Click" Write a customer review" in the Customer Reviews section. Once completed, hit submit.

Goodreads: Create an account with your email. Search the title of the book on the site. Under the picture of the book, rate the book on the star scale. 2) Underneath the book's profile picture on the top left, rate the book using the stars. The "want to read" button will automatically be replaced with a "write a review" link. Click that link and write your review and save when finished!

Be specific in your review!

Start your review with a sentence that will compel the reader. One way to do this is to include a specific poem that resonates with you and why. Comment on aspects such as the style/genre, illustrations, the cover, and how these added or took away from the text. If you loved the book, share the qualities that made it easy to fall in love with. It's great to note who you think would enjoy the book. For example, you could say "Great for teens to learn about relationships" or "This book provided useful insight for married couples by having love poems centered on communication." Your review should summarize your experience as a reader (how long it took to read, was it an easy read, did you enjoy reading it or not). Last but not least, rate the book based on a 5 star system and you have officially and successfully reviewed a book!

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